Our Services


Companies that successfully combine sustainability and innovation take responsibility for a world worth living in, while strengthening their competitiveness. Based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and company-related management factors, the Enterprise Europe Network offers initial consulting that can be used as an entry point into a more strategic sustainability management. With the "Sustainability Check", small and medium-sized enterprises can reflect on their status quo and develop a roadmap to make their company economically, ecologically and socially sustainable.


Why is it worth it?

Sooner or later, all companies will have to deal with sustainability. The longer you wait, the more it becomes a duty; the sooner you start, the more it is an opportunity!


Sustainable companies benefit, for example, by:

- Strengthening employee loyalty and increasing attractiveness for (young) skilled workers

- Cost savings in energy and materials

- Strengthening raw material availability and building a stable supply chain

- Opening up new customer groups

- Developing new business models

- Improving the chances of obtaining public subsidies


Who can participate?

The service is funded by the EU and can therefore be provided free of charge to small and medium-sized enterprises.



For Hamburg:

Silke Schleiff, Tel.: 040 76629-6355, schleiff[at]tutech.de.


For Schleswig-Holstein:

Anette Benz, Tel: 0431 9905 3494, anette.benz[at]ib-sh.de, and Annette Moritz, Tel: 0431 9905 3496, annette.moritz[at]ib-sh.de.